[7], This article needs to be updated with material from, Rasalhague KungsArmé (Royal Rasalhague Army), Your BattleTech News Roundup For October, 2021, Community Outreach - Mark Nicholson, 3D Artist At MechWarrior Online Developer PGI, Your BattleTech News Roundup For September, 2021, https://www.sarna.net/wiki/index.php?title=Free_Rasalhague_Republic&oldid=732624.
Found insideJOHN, DEMILITARIZED PREFECTURE RASALHAGUE MILITARY DISTRICT DRACONIS COMBINE 6 JULY 2439 “Demilitarized. Right.” Takeda laughed. The thirteen men left in his company chuckled as well, as the last rays of sunlight painted the rolling ... [7], The short term goals of the Republic are to simply survive as a nation. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » Fan Designs and Rules » . Free Rasalhague Republic propaganda poster. Found insideHe's a ComStar commander lately stationed in the Free Rasalhague Republic, now a member of Word of Blake on Gibson.” He took another swallow of his whiskey. “The Clans didn't leave much untouched in Rasalhague, from what I hear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. THe "Draconis Combine" is rulled by House Kurita, under the guise of the position known as the Coordinator.
The 16th Rasalhague Regulars was destroyed during the Second Succession War. Found inside“My parents immigrated to Telos IV from Rasalhague before I was born,” he began. “And even as a child, I was fascinated with the Star League—a Golden Age filled with technology we can barely imagine, much less understand. Under this policy every transaction with one state has to be balanced by a transaction of equal value with the other state. The Axel Mark I and Mark II tanks have been added to the production lines at these facilities. Meanwhile Clan Steel Viper tried to seize .
The Commonwealth had been supporting rebel elements in the Combines Rasalhague district for a long while before the reformation of the FRR. The vaunted neutrality that is so precious to the people of Rasalhague must be balanced on the perceptions of the warlike leaders that populate the other nations of the Inner Sphere[6], As of 3049, the Royal Rasalhague Army had the capability to field almost 150 Regiments of BattleMech, Armor, and Infantry as well as ultimate command of 62 local Militia Regiments and five Mercenary BattleMech units[6], The organization of the KungsArmé was patterned after the LCAF, with twelve departments that are headquartered in the Citadel, a large military complex on Rasalhague established under the old Principality and later expanded by the Draconis Combine as the headquarters of their Rasalhague Military District. This Binary is lead by Star Captain Christopher, in his Kodiak named Pooh. BattleTech is a wargaming and science fiction franchise launched by FASA Corporation in 1984, acquired by WizKids in 2000, and owned since 2003 by Topps. Found insideOn Rasalhague, I personally killed four of their feared Drakøns. In the most recent fighting on Tukayyid, my Star did not give back one millimeter of the terrain we took. Prior to the battle today, I killed two MechWarriors and an ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mechwarrior. Draconis Combine.
During the Fourth Succession War, many Rasalhagians greeted the Lyran Commonwealth troops as liberators and helped them to capture many Rasalhague worlds before the war's end in 3030. On the 21st of August 3070 Ragnar Magnusson spoke to the Free Rasalhague Republic government on Orestes; acting on behalf of Clan Ghost Bear and the Ghost Bear Dominion, Magnusson launched what would become a series of negotiations to reach an accord for "all Rasalhagian peoples.
Until his death in 2487, Daniel spent his reign in opposition to the Von Rohrs dynasty, but in other respects was completely loyal to the Combine. Humanity's only hope is the Inner Sphere's most powerful traitor. The Citadel had a fully-featured satellite command headquarters based in the capitals of each of the Provinces. The 2nd Regulars was destroyed during the Second Succession War. These tanks are internal combustion engine variants of the Lyran Rommel and Patton, and have been a welcome addition to the vehicles available to the KungsArmé and militia forces. 81. Found insideRacice River Delta Tukayyid Free Rasalhague Republic 2 May 3052 Star Captain Trent barely noticed the dense trees that filled marshes of the Racice River Delta as he rushed up to the large open clearing, his Timber Wolf sinking into the ... A small and peaceful state, it was attacked in 2330 by Shiro Kurita's Draconis Combine and eventually subdued.
[6], Internally the FRR is divided into three Provinces named after their capital worlds, Skandia, Radstadt, and Rasalhague. BattlePack: Fourth Succession War by Randall N. Bills. Though simple in concept it has proven to be difficult if not outright impossible in practice.
[7], One such company with split affiliations is Metals of the Earth. Though brutally repressed Rasalhagian nationalism never died out, and in 3034 the Principality found new life as the Free Rasalhague Republic. By the time the Clan advance was halted in 3052, most of the FRR was overrun by Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. Some Regulars simply retired from the DCMS and joined the new FRR's military, but those that remained chose to ignore the Coordinator's orders.
[1] [2], Within sixty years of the first colonists leaving Scandinavia the new colony world of Rasalhague had been both colonized and heavily populated, along with its eight closest neighbors. However in times of crisis these sessions may be extended or convened outside the scheduled times. Free Rasalhague Republic. You can thank Fantasy34 for these gems. • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. But then the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine was assassinated in 3004 by a Rasalhague nationalist, and as . Found inside“We've looked at any number of combinations, but all of them would end up being the Rasalhague Solution. We're already cutting it fine with the troops you have allowed in. All situational models show the Compact becoming a ComStar ... The Defense industry in the Republic is healthy if rather limited. Late Succession War - Renaissance 3020 - 3049 Clan Invasion 3050 - 3061 Civil War 3062 - 3067 Jihad 3068 - 3080.
The long term goals involve increasing its military and establishing strong interstellar political alliances so that the FRR is no longer seen as an inviting target of conquest and raiding. [11], Each of the Principality's worlds was organized into a loose structure of clan-oriented families, from which a single varldherre was elected annually to rule the planet.
The 18th Regulars was destroyed during the Second Succession War. Find Mechwarrior-inspired gifts and merchandise printed on quality products one at a time in socially responsible ways. [7], The culture of the Free Rasalhague Republic is an amalgam of the original settlers from the Scandinavian regions of old Terra and the Japanese dominated culture of the Draconis Combine that conquered them in the early 24th century. Finally, in 2510, the Rasalhagians struck across the Combine's border; the subsequent diversion of units from the Combine's interior weakened the defenses at the Von Rohrs' palace.
Found insideISF has identified agents of all four Great Houses—regarding Steiner and Davion as having once again become separate entities— not to mention the Free Rasalhague Republic, the Taurian Concordat, the Magistracy of Canopus, the Outworlds ...
In 3004, a Rasalhagian bodyguard assassinated Coordinator Hohiro Kurita.
BattleSpace by Fasa Corporation. The Inner Sphere is a region of interstellar space surrounding Earth to a radius of roughly 450 - 550 light-years, generally demarcated by the outer borders of the "Great Houses."Within this region of about 2 million stars, there are approximately 2000 inhabited planets.
His father was an officer worker, while his mother painted landscapes. Free Rasalhague pride Flat Mask.
This Estate historically follows the lead of the Second Estate when it comes to decisions regarding policy or finances, though they will take the lead regarding the moral, spiritual, or social issues affecting the Republic. When Vladimir's surviving son Jason assumed the governorship, the vengeful ruler ordered random executions to avenge his family. Military: Royal Rasalhague Army ( KungsArmé ) Secret Service: MIMIR. In 2330, House Kurita's expansionist Draconis Combine invaded the Principality of Rasalhague, subduing it only after more than three decades of . In 2330, House Kurita's expansionist Draconis Combine invaded the Principality of Rasalhague, subduing it after enduring more than three decades of guerrilla war.The resulting Rasalhague Military District remained the most restive province of the Combine as its original Scandinavian inhabitants resisted . All other trade-marks are the property of their respective owners; ® or ™ as indicated. [4], The Second Estate is composed of the Planetary Representatives.
They were declared ronin and those that didn't commit seppuku were destroyed by loyal DCMS troops. Log In Sign Up.
The Modern Norse faith, a reinterpretation of the ancient Norse polytheism, is a growing sect and other small minor sects such as the One Star Faith also have a presence. The Regulars were disbanded upon the formation of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Tie this to severe penalties for individuals and industries that were non-responsive or resistant to the changes that were being implemented and the result is a carrot-and-stick system that has increased industrial growth and production in the Republic. The Free Rasalhague Republic (now the Rasalhague Dominion) is an interstellar empire in BattleTech located within the Inner Sphere, which came about from the end of the Fourth Succession War.
It is separated into four Estates, each of which has a specific set of responsibilities. These were the Command Council, Administration, Medical Corps, Warriors' Ombudsmen, Mercenary Relations, Reservist Readiness, Strategy and Tactics, Intelligence, Transportation, Justice, Quartermaster, and Military Education Departments. This thread is so I can post the ship designs in one central location
Each world elects five representatives to send to this Estate. Found insideThe Com Guard position in Rasalhague has blocked the way to the Terran Corridor for all of us. Taking Rasalgethi gives us a potential path to Terra with only the Lyran Alliance to defend against us.” Rasalgethi had played a key role in ...
[6], Though the current government has made some mistakes in their economic dealings and policies, their record in dealing with the business community has, on the whole, been remarkable. They are assisted in their duties by the Hertig, which are directly elected by the people of the worlds they serve.
Found insideThe Official BattleTech Magazine Michael A. Stackpole, Michael J. Ciaravella, Travis Heermann, Jason Schmetzer Philip ... Bigfoot's recent sightings within the Free Rasalhague Republic, Word of Blake cultists seeking to manufacture new ...
Battletech Legends Lost Destiny. Free Rasalhague Republic. Categories Free Rasalhague Republic Rasalhague Dominion. In 3027 the Commonwealth built the 1st Tyr, a regiment of assault mechs which would eventually become . BattleTech Legends: Operation Audacity
In turn, these "world-lords" nominally owed allegiance to the Prince of Rasalhague, who was elected every ten years. Redirect to: Geography of the BattleTech universe#Free Rasalhague Republic.
Template:Sections Clan Ghost Bear is a member of the Clanners in the popular sci-fi universe BattleTech owned by the FASA Corporation.. My understanding of the FRR military (pre 3050) was that it was an equal mix of Lyran and Drac mechs.
Many of the corporations within the FRR are either a subsidiary of a Draconis corporation or have been damaged by the nearly universal fighting. Found insidethe paneling to the ceiling, with various pictures, paintings, and other artifacts of lost Rasalhague decorating the room. Blocky handcrafted tables and chairs of various sizes and shapes also lent an antique charm. 81. The still-unexplored world of Rasalhague would become their new home, distant from Terra and its oppressive government. Found insideAlshain was in the Rasalhague District. Perhaps Marcus's intrigue involved the other missing Warlord as well. Subhash had no time to consider the possibility, because the Coordinator swept into the room. Takashi called the meeting to ...
BattleMechs (often abbreviated 'Mechs) are large walking war machines that feature prominently in the fictional universe of BattleTech.
The Combines attempts to dilute the native culture of the Rasalhague worlds were somewhat successful, but failed to completely supplant the local attitudes and culture. As the son of their former High Chieftain, Daniel received the support of Rasalhague's population and he pledged to end all oppression of his subjects. The Prince must balance the needs of his people to the reality that his decisions may cause issues with his larger and more powerful neighbors. A white stripe parts the torso in half. Subforums.
Now, on to the art!
. A Database for BattleTech Unit Color Palettes and Paint Schemes Disclaimer; Thank you for visiting! If this kind of action was taken, it would not take long for the Rasalhagians to believe that the units were there to watch them instead of to protect them from Lyran aggression.
[citation needed], Many Rasalhagian refugees from the Clan Invasion ended up in the Illyrian Palatinate. BattleRun: Best Ever by Jason M. Hardy. The game's miniatures are pre-painted models of infantry squads, vehicles, and giant walking war machines known as BattleMechs. battletech, free, pride, rasalhague. Continue.
Jason's actions finally convinced his illegitimate nephew, Daniel Sorenson, to raise a popular rebellion against his uncle, deposing and killing him. Some Kuritan troops refused to obey Theodore's orders, but he crushed them in the Ronin War.
This attrition impairs the Rasalhague Regulars ability to act as true units and not just a collection of MechWarriors.
From $8.00. But conflict has a way of dulling lines and borders. Though, if all its output could be funneled to war repairs it would go farther and speed up recovery on war-torn worlds. The core of the forces of the politically-sensitive Rasalhague Military District, the Rasalhague Regulars were noted for their actions against the Lyran Commonwealth as much the constant ISF scrutiny intended to ensure their loyalty to the Combine. Originally founded as the Ghost Bear Dominion in 3060 it later changed its name to the Rasalhague Dominion with the official union with its "equal but separate" symbiotic/protectorate state, the .
[6], The Motpart consists of members of the Riksdag who oppose the Prince, either on principle for his policies or in reaction to his perceived treatment of the Tyr from the ex-Lyran conquered worlds.
[14], Your BattleTech News Roundup For October, 2021, Community Outreach - Mark Nicholson, 3D Artist At MechWarrior Online Developer PGI, Your BattleTech News Roundup For September, 2021, https://www.sarna.net/wiki/index.php?title=Principality_of_Rasalhague&oldid=723884. In 2367 Tenno Kurita finally proclaimed the Rasalhagians defeated and withdrew most of the Combine forces in the region.
Found inside... to let their MechWarriors know that we should all strive to equal or best the Azami scores. Perhaps it was this that brought a marked improvement in performances by the two Kurita companies, and even from the Rasalhague company. From $9.26.
The BattleTech® Player's Guide is meant to provide BattleTech trading card game players and tournament judges with a complete reference of rulings for the BattleTech TCG. No position is hereditary save that the son of the current holder impresses the electoral population and is raise to the parents honors. The Principality of Rasalhague was a minor interstellar nation formed in the mid-2200s. The following is an abridged history of events in the fictional universe of BattleTech.Originally conceived in the early 1980s as a backstory for the franchise's tabletop wargame, it has been expanded considerably by material in numerous sourcebooks and other game-related publications, as well as a series of more than 100 novels, an animated television series, and various other authorized sources. [4], The Valdherren are appointed world leaders and their terms of service vary depending on the constitutions of the worlds they govern. Mechwarrior: Dark Age is played on a 36" x 36" game surface with each player .
This is a Call of Duty: Advance Warfare/Battletech crossover. From a merge: This is a redirect from a page that was merged into another page. In 3103, the holdout Free Rasalhague Republic merged with the Ghost Bears to form the Rasalhague Dominion.
Clan Ghost Bear. While bringing ideas from other properties is fine, this isn't Whatever/BattleTech. The Valdherren (World Leaders) and Hertigs (Dukes) are positions in the government rather than traditional hereditary titles. Order: Volume 2 (1991) To be eligible, these Warriors must pass an examination of their political leanings as tough as that given to men entering the Sword of Light regiments. However, considering the records and reports needed to track and monitor all economic traffic, imports and exports to these two nations has proven to be beyond the capabilities of the bureaucracy to manage. However, the gravest threat to Free Rasalhague's precarious independence would come not from these two great powers, but the unexpected Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere. An amalgamation of the Free Rasalhague Republic and Clan Ghost Bear, the Rasalhague Dominion is a blend of the political, military and cultural styles of Inner Sphere and Clan societies. A collection of links to Battletech related resources. In 2330, House Kurita's expansionist Draconis Combine invaded the Principality of Rasalhague, subduing it after enduring more than three decades of guerrilla war.The resulting Rasalhague Military District remained the most restive province of the Combine as its original Scandinavian inhabitants resisted . Soren "Varangian" Holmgren is a Ronin Vanguard mechwarrior in Battletech. He has also made a habit of inviting close friends to the Cabinet meetings so that he can elicit their input on governmental policy decisions. Category: Rasalhague Dominion. Tags: battletech the dancing urbanmech.
Kavalleri, 1st-4th. But the Rasalhagians did not tamely submit to their overlords. Nonetheless, the Principality was still considered an independent state in political affairs; its governor, Adam Kurita, signed the Ares Conventions in 2412 on behalf of Rasalhague. [5] The candidate for Prince must be a member of Parliament and must have the support of at least three-fourths of his fellow parliamentarians to be elected. You can add the touch of realism to your gaming experience. He has formed a government that professes to represent all aspects of Rasalhague identity, but lacks in number many of the Tyr that resided in the worlds conquered by House Steiner.
Martin and his troops then stormed the palace and executed the entire Von Rohrs family, after which Martin publicly revealed his genetic credentials as a legitimate member of House Kurita. The 3rd Regulars was destroyed during the Second Succession War. "[1], Meanwhile, the Ghost Bears pursued good relations with their subjects, creating the Ghost Bear Dominion.
Jason's actions heralded many years of brutal repression against the Rasalhagian people. The positions of power have been given to those that he knows and trusts. Kain9662002 September 6, 2021. Powerful Clansmen, the Ghost Bears are known for their conservative nature and their strong sense of family. The successful candidate holds the office for a term of ten years and is limited by law to two terms.
Found inside“I was asked by Khan Ulric to research and provide data concerning the state of preparedness of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Most specifically, I worked up that information for use in the assaults on Rasalhague, the capital world of ... The Free Rasalhague Republic is a nation born in the wake of the Fourth Succession War..
The home of the Riksdag is the Palace Hall on Rasalhague. [13] Rasalhague also maintained its own army and was strong enough to serve as a haven for exiles from House Kurita during the Von Rohrs family's reign. Though a minority, specifically the Motpart, would like to see a change in leadership, their influence is not strong enough to force the Prince to step down before his term of office is complete in 3054. [6], Prince Magnusson, first Prince of the new Free Rasalhague Republic (FRR), is a shrewd politician known for being careful to not anger any of the multiple special interest groups that reside within the FRR. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
[8] [9].
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